Trait gstd::prelude::hash::Hash

1.0.0 · source ·
pub trait Hash {
    // Required method
    fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
       where H: Hasher;

    // Provided method
    fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
       where H: Hasher,
             Self: Sized { ... }
Expand description

A hashable type.

Types implementing Hash are able to be hashed with an instance of Hasher.

§Implementing Hash

You can derive Hash with #[derive(Hash)] if all fields implement Hash. The resulting hash will be the combination of the values from calling hash on each field.

struct Rustacean {
    name: String,
    country: String,

If you need more control over how a value is hashed, you can of course implement the Hash trait yourself:

use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

struct Person {
    id: u32,
    name: String,
    phone: u64,

impl Hash for Person {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {;;

§Hash and Eq

When implementing both Hash and Eq, it is important that the following property holds:

k1 == k2 -> hash(k1) == hash(k2)

In other words, if two keys are equal, their hashes must also be equal. HashMap and HashSet both rely on this behavior.

Thankfully, you won’t need to worry about upholding this property when deriving both Eq and Hash with #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)].

Violating this property is a logic error. The behavior resulting from a logic error is not specified, but users of the trait must ensure that such logic errors do not result in undefined behavior. This means that unsafe code must not rely on the correctness of these methods.

§Prefix collisions

Implementations of hash should ensure that the data they pass to the Hasher are prefix-free. That is, values which are not equal should cause two different sequences of values to be written, and neither of the two sequences should be a prefix of the other.

For example, the standard implementation of Hash for &str passes an extra 0xFF byte to the Hasher so that the values ("ab", "c") and ("a", "bc") hash differently.


Due to differences in endianness and type sizes, data fed by Hash to a Hasher should not be considered portable across platforms. Additionally the data passed by most standard library types should not be considered stable between compiler versions.

This means tests shouldn’t probe hard-coded hash values or data fed to a Hasher and instead should check consistency with Eq.

Serialization formats intended to be portable between platforms or compiler versions should either avoid encoding hashes or only rely on Hash and Hasher implementations that provide additional guarantees.

Required Methods§


fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher,

Feeds this value into the given Hasher.

use std::hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher};

let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
7920.hash(&mut hasher);
println!("Hash is {:x}!", hasher.finish());

Provided Methods§

1.3.0 · source

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher.

This method is meant as a convenience, but its implementation is also explicitly left unspecified. It isn’t guaranteed to be equivalent to repeated calls of hash and implementations of Hash should keep that in mind and call hash themselves if the slice isn’t treated as a whole unit in the PartialEq implementation.

For example, a VecDeque implementation might naïvely call as_slices and then hash_slice on each slice, but this is wrong since the two slices can change with a call to make_contiguous without affecting the PartialEq result. Since these slices aren’t treated as singular units, and instead part of a larger deque, this method cannot be used.

use std::hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher};

let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
let numbers = [6, 28, 496, 8128];
Hash::hash_slice(&numbers, &mut hasher);
println!("Hash is {:x}!", hasher.finish());

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl Hash for ErrorReplyReason


impl Hash for ExecutionError


impl Hash for ExtError


impl Hash for MemoryError


impl Hash for MessageError


impl Hash for ReplyCode


impl Hash for ReservationError


impl Hash for SignalCode


impl Hash for SimpleExecutionError


impl Hash for SimpleProgramCreationError


impl Hash for SuccessReplyReason


impl Hash for AsciiChar


impl Hash for gstd::prelude::cmp::Ordering

1.44.0 · source§

impl Hash for Infallible

1.7.0 · source§

impl Hash for IpAddr


impl Hash for Ipv6MulticastScope


impl Hash for SocketAddr


impl Hash for core::sync::atomic::Ordering


impl Hash for ErrorKind


impl Hash for bool


impl Hash for char


impl Hash for i8


impl Hash for i16


impl Hash for i32


impl Hash for i64


impl Hash for i128


impl Hash for isize

1.29.0 · source§

impl Hash for !


impl Hash for str


impl Hash for u8


impl Hash for u16


impl Hash for u32


impl Hash for u64


impl Hash for u128


impl Hash for ()


impl Hash for usize


impl Hash for ActorId


impl Hash for CodeId


impl Hash for MessageId


impl Hash for Reservation


impl Hash for ReservationId


impl Hash for Reservations


impl Hash for MetaType


impl Hash for TypeId

1.64.0 · source§

impl Hash for CStr

1.64.0 · source§

impl Hash for CString


impl Hash for Error

1.33.0 · source§

impl Hash for PhantomPinned

1.34.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroI8

1.34.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroI16

1.34.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroI32

1.34.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroI64

1.34.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroI128

1.34.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroIsize

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroU8

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroU16

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroU32

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroU64

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroU128

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for NonZeroUsize


impl Hash for RangeFull


impl Hash for Alignment


impl Hash for String

1.3.0 · source§

impl Hash for Duration

1.28.0 · source§

impl Hash for Layout


impl Hash for Ipv4Addr


impl Hash for Ipv6Addr


impl Hash for SocketAddrV4


impl Hash for SocketAddrV6


impl Hash for OsStr


impl Hash for OsString

1.1.0 · source§

impl Hash for FileType


impl Hash for UCred


impl Hash for Path


impl Hash for PathBuf


impl Hash for PrefixComponent<'_>

1.19.0 · source§

impl Hash for ThreadId

1.8.0 · source§

impl Hash for Instant

1.8.0 · source§

impl Hash for SystemTime


impl Hash for ATerm


impl Hash for B0


impl Hash for B1


impl Hash for Z0


impl Hash for Equal


impl Hash for Greater


impl Hash for Less


impl Hash for UTerm


impl Hash for BigEndian


impl Hash for Bytes


impl Hash for BytesMut


impl Hash for Const


impl Hash for Dl_info


impl Hash for Elf32_Chdr


impl Hash for Elf32_Ehdr


impl Hash for Elf32_Phdr


impl Hash for Elf32_Shdr


impl Hash for Elf32_Sym


impl Hash for Elf64_Chdr


impl Hash for Elf64_Ehdr


impl Hash for Elf64_Phdr


impl Hash for Elf64_Shdr


impl Hash for Elf64_Sym


impl Hash for FromStrRadixErrKind


impl Hash for H128


impl Hash for H160


impl Hash for H256


impl Hash for H384


impl Hash for H512


impl Hash for H768


impl Hash for LittleEndian


impl Hash for Lsb0


impl Hash for Msb0


impl Hash for Mut


impl Hash for NonZeroU256


impl Hash for NullPtrError


impl Hash for ObjectIdentifier


impl Hash for PollNext


impl Hash for U128


impl Hash for U256


impl Hash for U512


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_ifru_map


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_data


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_entry


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_exit


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_ptrace_syscall_info_seccomp


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_sockaddr_can_j1939


impl Hash for __c_anonymous_sockaddr_can_tp


impl Hash for __exit_status


impl Hash for __timeval


impl Hash for _libc_fpstate


impl Hash for _libc_fpxreg


impl Hash for _libc_xmmreg


impl Hash for addrinfo


impl Hash for af_alg_iv


impl Hash for aiocb


impl Hash for arpd_request


impl Hash for arphdr


impl Hash for arpreq


impl Hash for arpreq_old


impl Hash for can_filter


impl Hash for clone_args


impl Hash for cmsghdr


impl Hash for cpu_set_t


impl Hash for dirent


impl Hash for dirent64


impl Hash for dl_phdr_info


impl Hash for dqblk


impl Hash for epoll_event


impl Hash for fanotify_event_metadata


impl Hash for fanotify_response


impl Hash for fd_set


impl Hash for ff_condition_effect


impl Hash for ff_constant_effect


impl Hash for ff_effect


impl Hash for ff_envelope


impl Hash for ff_periodic_effect


impl Hash for ff_ramp_effect


impl Hash for ff_replay


impl Hash for ff_rumble_effect


impl Hash for ff_trigger


impl Hash for file_clone_range


impl Hash for flock


impl Hash for flock64


impl Hash for fsid_t


impl Hash for genlmsghdr


impl Hash for glob64_t


impl Hash for glob_t


impl Hash for group


impl Hash for hostent


impl Hash for hwtstamp_config


impl Hash for if_nameindex


impl Hash for ifaddrs


impl Hash for in6_addr


impl Hash for in6_ifreq


impl Hash for in6_pktinfo


impl Hash for in6_rtmsg


impl Hash for in_addr


impl Hash for in_pktinfo


impl Hash for inotify_event


impl Hash for input_absinfo


impl Hash for input_event


impl Hash for input_id


impl Hash for input_keymap_entry


impl Hash for input_mask


impl Hash for iocb


impl Hash for iovec


impl Hash for ip_mreq


impl Hash for ip_mreq_source


impl Hash for ip_mreqn


impl Hash for ipc_perm


impl Hash for ipv6_mreq


impl Hash for itimerspec


impl Hash for itimerval


impl Hash for j1939_filter


impl Hash for lconv


impl Hash for linger


impl Hash for mallinfo


impl Hash for mallinfo2


impl Hash for mcontext_t


impl Hash for mmsghdr


impl Hash for mntent


impl Hash for mq_attr


impl Hash for msghdr


impl Hash for msginfo


impl Hash for msqid_ds


impl Hash for nl_mmap_hdr


impl Hash for nl_mmap_req


impl Hash for nl_pktinfo


impl Hash for nlattr


impl Hash for nlmsgerr


impl Hash for nlmsghdr


impl Hash for ntptimeval


impl Hash for open_how


impl Hash for option


impl Hash for packet_mreq


impl Hash for passwd


impl Hash for pollfd


impl Hash for posix_spawn_file_actions_t


impl Hash for posix_spawnattr_t


impl Hash for protoent


impl Hash for pthread_attr_t


impl Hash for pthread_barrier_t


impl Hash for pthread_barrierattr_t


impl Hash for pthread_cond_t


impl Hash for pthread_condattr_t


impl Hash for pthread_mutex_t


impl Hash for pthread_mutexattr_t


impl Hash for pthread_rwlock_t


impl Hash for pthread_rwlockattr_t


impl Hash for ptrace_peeksiginfo_args


impl Hash for ptrace_rseq_configuration


impl Hash for ptrace_syscall_info


impl Hash for regex_t


impl Hash for regmatch_t


impl Hash for rlimit


impl Hash for rlimit64


impl Hash for rtentry


impl Hash for rusage


impl Hash for sched_attr


impl Hash for sched_param


impl Hash for sctp_authinfo


impl Hash for sctp_initmsg


impl Hash for sctp_nxtinfo


impl Hash for sctp_prinfo


impl Hash for sctp_rcvinfo


impl Hash for sctp_sndinfo


impl Hash for sctp_sndrcvinfo


impl Hash for seccomp_data


impl Hash for seccomp_notif


impl Hash for seccomp_notif_addfd


impl Hash for seccomp_notif_resp


impl Hash for seccomp_notif_sizes


impl Hash for sem_t


impl Hash for sembuf


impl Hash for semid_ds


impl Hash for seminfo


impl Hash for servent


impl Hash for shmid_ds


impl Hash for sigaction


impl Hash for sigevent


impl Hash for siginfo_t


impl Hash for signalfd_siginfo


impl Hash for sigset_t


impl Hash for sigval


impl Hash for sock_extended_err


impl Hash for sock_filter


impl Hash for sock_fprog


impl Hash for sockaddr


impl Hash for sockaddr_alg


impl Hash for sockaddr_in


impl Hash for sockaddr_in6


impl Hash for sockaddr_ll


impl Hash for sockaddr_nl


impl Hash for sockaddr_storage


impl Hash for sockaddr_un


impl Hash for sockaddr_vm


impl Hash for sockaddr_xdp


impl Hash for spwd


impl Hash for stack_t


impl Hash for stat


impl Hash for stat64


impl Hash for statfs


impl Hash for statfs64


impl Hash for statvfs


impl Hash for statvfs64


impl Hash for statx


impl Hash for statx_timestamp


impl Hash for sysinfo


impl Hash for termios


impl Hash for termios2


impl Hash for timespec


impl Hash for timeval


impl Hash for timex


impl Hash for tls12_crypto_info_aes_gcm_128


impl Hash for tls12_crypto_info_aes_gcm_256


impl Hash for tls12_crypto_info_chacha20_poly1305


impl Hash for tls_crypto_info


impl Hash for tm


impl Hash for tms


impl Hash for ucontext_t


impl Hash for ucred


impl Hash for uinput_abs_setup


impl Hash for uinput_ff_erase


impl Hash for uinput_ff_upload


impl Hash for uinput_setup


impl Hash for uinput_user_dev


impl Hash for user


impl Hash for user_fpregs_struct


impl Hash for user_regs_struct


impl Hash for utimbuf


impl Hash for utmpx


impl Hash for utsname


impl Hash for winsize


impl Hash for xdp_desc


impl Hash for xdp_mmap_offsets


impl Hash for xdp_mmap_offsets_v1


impl Hash for xdp_options


impl Hash for xdp_ring_offset


impl Hash for xdp_ring_offset_v1


impl Hash for xdp_statistics


impl Hash for xdp_statistics_v1


impl Hash for xdp_umem_reg


impl Hash for xdp_umem_reg_v1


impl<'a> Hash for Component<'a>


impl<'a> Hash for Prefix<'a>

1.10.0 · source§

impl<'a> Hash for Location<'a>


impl<'a, M, T, O> Hash for PartialElement<'a, M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: 'a + BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<A, O> Hash for BitArray<A, O>
where A: BitViewSized, O: BitOrder,


impl<B> Hash for Cow<'_, B>
where B: Hash + ToOwned + ?Sized,

1.55.0 · source§

impl<B, C> Hash for ControlFlow<B, C>
where B: Hash, C: Hash,


impl<Dyn> Hash for DynMetadata<Dyn>
where Dyn: ?Sized,

1.4.0 · source§

impl<F> Hash for F
where F: FnPtr,


impl<Idx> Hash for Range<Idx>
where Idx: Hash,


impl<Idx> Hash for RangeFrom<Idx>
where Idx: Hash,

1.26.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Hash for RangeInclusive<Idx>
where Idx: Hash,


impl<Idx> Hash for RangeTo<Idx>
where Idx: Hash,

1.26.0 · source§

impl<Idx> Hash for RangeToInclusive<Idx>
where Idx: Hash,


impl<Inner> Hash for Frozen<Inner>
where Inner: Hash + Mutability,


impl<K, V, A> Hash for BTreeMap<K, V, A>
where K: Hash, V: Hash, A: Allocator + Clone,


impl<M, T> Hash for Address<M, T>
where M: Mutability, T: ?Sized,


impl<M, T, O> Hash for BitPtr<M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<M, T, O> Hash for BitPtrRange<M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<M, T, O> Hash for BitRef<'_, M, T, O>
where M: Mutability, T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

1.41.0 · source§

impl<Ptr> Hash for Pin<Ptr>
where Ptr: Deref, <Ptr as Deref>::Target: Hash,


impl<R> Hash for BitEnd<R>
where R: Hash + BitRegister,


impl<R> Hash for BitIdx<R>
where R: Hash + BitRegister,


impl<R> Hash for BitIdxError<R>
where R: Hash + BitRegister,


impl<R> Hash for BitMask<R>
where R: Hash + BitRegister,


impl<R> Hash for BitPos<R>
where R: Hash + BitRegister,


impl<R> Hash for BitSel<R>
where R: Hash + BitRegister,


impl<T> Hash for Option<T>
where T: Hash,

1.17.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for Bound<T>
where T: Hash,

1.36.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for Poll<T>
where T: Hash,


impl<T> Hash for *const T
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Hash for *mut T
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Hash for &T
where T: Hash + ?Sized,


impl<T> Hash for &mut T
where T: Hash + ?Sized,


impl<T> Hash for [T]
where T: Hash,


impl<T> Hash for (T₁, T₂, …, Tₙ)
where T: Hash + ?Sized,

This trait is implemented for tuples up to twelve items long.

1.19.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for Reverse<T>
where T: Hash,


impl<T> Hash for PhantomData<T>
where T: ?Sized,

1.21.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for Discriminant<T>

1.20.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for ManuallyDrop<T>
where T: Hash + ?Sized,

1.74.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for Saturating<T>
where T: Hash,


impl<T> Hash for Wrapping<T>
where T: Hash,

1.25.0 · source§

impl<T> Hash for NonNull<T>
where T: ?Sized,


impl<T> Hash for AllowStdIo<T>
where T: Hash,


impl<T> Hash for BitPtrError<T>
where T: Hash + BitStore,


impl<T> Hash for BitSpanError<T>
where T: Hash + BitStore,


impl<T> Hash for MisalignError<T>
where T: Hash,


impl<T> Hash for Unalign<T>
where T: Unaligned + Hash,


impl<T, A> Hash for BTreeSet<T, A>
where T: Hash, A: Allocator + Clone,


impl<T, A> Hash for LinkedList<T, A>
where T: Hash, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Hash for VecDeque<T, A>
where T: Hash, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Hash for Rc<T, A>
where T: Hash + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Hash for gstd::prelude::Box<T, A>
where T: Hash + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Hash for gstd::prelude::Vec<T, A>
where T: Hash, A: Allocator,

The hash of a vector is the same as that of the corresponding slice, as required by the core::borrow::Borrow implementation.

use std::hash::BuildHasher;

let b = std::hash::RandomState::new();
let v: Vec<u8> = vec![0xa8, 0x3c, 0x09];
let s: &[u8] = &[0xa8, 0x3c, 0x09];
assert_eq!(b.hash_one(v), b.hash_one(s));

impl<T, A> Hash for Arc<T, A>
where T: Hash + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Hash for Box<T, A>
where T: Hash + ?Sized, A: Allocator,


impl<T, A> Hash for Vec<T, A>
where T: Hash, A: Allocator,

The hash of a vector is the same as that of the corresponding slice, as required by the core::borrow::Borrow implementation.

use std::hash::BuildHasher;

let b = std::collections::hash_map::RandomState::new();
let v: Vec<u8> = vec![0xa8, 0x3c, 0x09];
let s: &[u8] = &[0xa8, 0x3c, 0x09];
assert_eq!(b.hash_one(v), b.hash_one(s));

impl<T, E> Hash for Result<T, E>
where T: Hash, E: Hash,


impl<T, N> Hash for GenericArray<T, N>
where T: Hash, N: ArrayLength<T>,


impl<T, O> Hash for BitBox<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<T, O> Hash for BitSlice<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<T, O> Hash for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


impl<T, const CAP: usize> Hash for ArrayVec<T, CAP>
where T: Hash,


impl<T, const N: usize> Hash for [T; N]
where T: Hash,

The hash of an array is the same as that of the corresponding slice, as required by the Borrow implementation.

use std::hash::BuildHasher;

let b = std::hash::RandomState::new();
let a: [u8; 3] = [0xa8, 0x3c, 0x09];
let s: &[u8] = &[0xa8, 0x3c, 0x09];
assert_eq!(b.hash_one(a), b.hash_one(s));

impl<T, const N: usize> Hash for Simd<T, N>


impl<U> Hash for NInt<U>
where U: Hash + Unsigned + NonZero,


impl<U> Hash for PInt<U>
where U: Hash + Unsigned + NonZero,


impl<U, B> Hash for UInt<U, B>
where U: Hash, B: Hash,


impl<V, A> Hash for TArr<V, A>
where V: Hash, A: Hash,


impl<Y, R> Hash for CoroutineState<Y, R>
where Y: Hash, R: Hash,


impl<const CAP: usize> Hash for ArrayString<CAP>