Trait gstd::prelude::TryFrom

1.34.0 · source ·
pub trait TryFrom<T>: Sized {
    type Error;

    // Required method
    fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>;
Expand description

Simple and safe type conversions that may fail in a controlled way under some circumstances. It is the reciprocal of TryInto.

This is useful when you are doing a type conversion that may trivially succeed but may also need special handling. For example, there is no way to convert an i64 into an i32 using the From trait, because an i64 may contain a value that an i32 cannot represent and so the conversion would lose data. This might be handled by truncating the i64 to an i32 or by simply returning i32::MAX, or by some other method. The From trait is intended for perfect conversions, so the TryFrom trait informs the programmer when a type conversion could go bad and lets them decide how to handle it.

§Generic Implementations

  • TryFrom<T> for U implies TryInto<U> for T
  • try_from is reflexive, which means that TryFrom<T> for T is implemented and cannot fail – the associated Error type for calling T::try_from() on a value of type T is Infallible. When the ! type is stabilized Infallible and ! will be equivalent.

TryFrom<T> can be implemented as follows:

struct GreaterThanZero(i32);

impl TryFrom<i32> for GreaterThanZero {
    type Error = &'static str;

    fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        if value <= 0 {
            Err("GreaterThanZero only accepts values greater than zero!")
        } else {


As described, i32 implements TryFrom<i64>:

let big_number = 1_000_000_000_000i64;
// Silently truncates `big_number`, requires detecting
// and handling the truncation after the fact.
let smaller_number = big_number as i32;
assert_eq!(smaller_number, -727379968);

// Returns an error because `big_number` is too big to
// fit in an `i32`.
let try_smaller_number = i32::try_from(big_number);

// Returns `Ok(3)`.
let try_successful_smaller_number = i32::try_from(3);

Required Associated Types§


type Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Required Methods§


fn try_from(value: T) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>

Performs the conversion.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for ActorId


impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for CodeId


impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for ObjectIdentifier


type Error = Error


impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for RawSs58Address

1.59.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<char> for u8

Maps a char with code point in U+0000..=U+00FF to a byte in 0x00..=0xFF with same value, failing if the code point is greater than U+00FF.

See impl From<u8> for char for details on the encoding.

1.74.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<char> for u16

Maps a char with code point in U+0000..=U+FFFF to a u16 in 0x0000..=0xFFFF with same value, failing if the code point is greater than U+FFFF.

This corresponds to the UCS-2 encoding, as specified in ISO/IEC 10646:2003.


impl TryFrom<i8> for u8


impl TryFrom<i8> for u16


impl TryFrom<i8> for u32


impl TryFrom<i8> for u64


impl TryFrom<i8> for u128


impl TryFrom<i8> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<i8> for NonZeroI8


impl TryFrom<i16> for i8


impl TryFrom<i16> for u8


impl TryFrom<i16> for u16


impl TryFrom<i16> for u32


impl TryFrom<i16> for u64


impl TryFrom<i16> for u128


impl TryFrom<i16> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<i16> for NonZeroI16


impl TryFrom<i32> for i8


impl TryFrom<i32> for i16


impl TryFrom<i32> for isize


impl TryFrom<i32> for u8


impl TryFrom<i32> for u16


impl TryFrom<i32> for u32


impl TryFrom<i32> for u64


impl TryFrom<i32> for u128


impl TryFrom<i32> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<i32> for NonZeroI32


impl TryFrom<i64> for i8


impl TryFrom<i64> for i16


impl TryFrom<i64> for i32


impl TryFrom<i64> for isize


impl TryFrom<i64> for u8


impl TryFrom<i64> for u16


impl TryFrom<i64> for u32


impl TryFrom<i64> for u64


impl TryFrom<i64> for u128


impl TryFrom<i64> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<i64> for NonZeroI64


impl TryFrom<i128> for i8


impl TryFrom<i128> for i16


impl TryFrom<i128> for i32


impl TryFrom<i128> for i64


impl TryFrom<i128> for isize


impl TryFrom<i128> for u8


impl TryFrom<i128> for u16


impl TryFrom<i128> for u32


impl TryFrom<i128> for u64


impl TryFrom<i128> for u128


impl TryFrom<i128> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<i128> for NonZeroI128


impl TryFrom<isize> for i8


impl TryFrom<isize> for i16


impl TryFrom<isize> for i32


impl TryFrom<isize> for i64


impl TryFrom<isize> for i128


impl TryFrom<isize> for u8


impl TryFrom<isize> for u16


impl TryFrom<isize> for u32


impl TryFrom<isize> for u64


impl TryFrom<isize> for u128


impl TryFrom<isize> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<isize> for NonZeroIsize


impl TryFrom<u8> for i8

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<u8> for NonZeroU8


impl TryFrom<u8> for NonZeroU256


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<u16> for i8


impl TryFrom<u16> for i16


impl TryFrom<u16> for isize


impl TryFrom<u16> for u8

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<u16> for NonZeroU16


impl TryFrom<u16> for NonZeroU256


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<u32> for char


impl TryFrom<u32> for i8


impl TryFrom<u32> for i16


impl TryFrom<u32> for i32


impl TryFrom<u32> for isize


impl TryFrom<u32> for u8


impl TryFrom<u32> for u16


impl TryFrom<u32> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<u32> for NonZeroU32


impl TryFrom<u32> for NonZeroU256


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<u64> for i8


impl TryFrom<u64> for i16


impl TryFrom<u64> for i32


impl TryFrom<u64> for i64


impl TryFrom<u64> for isize


impl TryFrom<u64> for u8


impl TryFrom<u64> for u16


impl TryFrom<u64> for u32


impl TryFrom<u64> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<u64> for NonZeroU64


impl TryFrom<u64> for NonZeroU256


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<u128> for i8


impl TryFrom<u128> for i16


impl TryFrom<u128> for i32


impl TryFrom<u128> for i64


impl TryFrom<u128> for i128


impl TryFrom<u128> for isize


impl TryFrom<u128> for u8


impl TryFrom<u128> for u16


impl TryFrom<u128> for u32


impl TryFrom<u128> for u64


impl TryFrom<u128> for usize

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<u128> for NonZeroU128


impl TryFrom<u128> for NonZeroU256


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<usize> for i8


impl TryFrom<usize> for i16


impl TryFrom<usize> for i32


impl TryFrom<usize> for i64


impl TryFrom<usize> for i128


impl TryFrom<usize> for isize


impl TryFrom<usize> for u8


impl TryFrom<usize> for u16


impl TryFrom<usize> for u32


impl TryFrom<usize> for u64


impl TryFrom<usize> for u128

1.46.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<usize> for NonZeroUsize


impl TryFrom<usize> for Alignment

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI8> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI8> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI8> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI8> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI8> for NonZeroU128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI8> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroU128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI16> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroU128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI32> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroU128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI64> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroI64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroU128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroI128> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroI64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroI128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroU128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroIsize> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU8> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU16> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU16> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU16> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU16> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU32> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroI64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU64> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroI64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroI128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroU128> for NonZeroUsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroI8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroI16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroI32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroI64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroI128

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroIsize

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroU8

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroU16

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroU32

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroU64

1.49.0 · source§

impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for NonZeroU128


impl TryFrom<NonZeroUsize> for Alignment


impl TryFrom<U128> for i8


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for i16


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for i32


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for i64


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for i128


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for isize


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for u8


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for u16


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for u32


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for u64


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for u128


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U128> for usize


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for i8


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for i16


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for i32


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for i64


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for i128


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for isize


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for u8


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for u16


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for u32


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for u64


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for u128


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for usize


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U256> for U128


type Error = Error


impl TryFrom<U512> for i8


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for i16


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for i32


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for i64


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for i128


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for isize


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for u8


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for u16


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for u32


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for u64


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for u128


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for usize


type Error = &'static str


impl TryFrom<U512> for U128


type Error = Error


impl TryFrom<U512> for U256


type Error = Error

1.72.0 · source§

impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a OsStr> for &'a str


impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a U512> for U256


type Error = Error


impl<'a, T, O> TryFrom<&'a [T]> for &'a BitSlice<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Calls BitSlice::try_from_slice, but returns the original Rust slice on error instead of the failure event.

This only fails if slice.len() exceeds BitSlice::MAX_ELTS.


type Error = &'a [T]


impl<'a, T, O> TryFrom<&'a mut [T]> for &'a mut BitSlice<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,

Calls BitSlice::try_from_slice_mut, but returns the original Rust slice on error instead of the failure event.

This only fails if slice.len() exceeds BitSlice::MAX_ELTS.


type Error = &'a mut [T]


impl<'a, T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&'a [T]> for &'a [T; N]

Tries to create an array ref &[T; N] from a slice ref &[T]. Succeeds if slice.len() == N.

let bytes: [u8; 3] = [1, 0, 2];

let bytes_head: &[u8; 2] = <&[u8; 2]>::try_from(&bytes[0..2]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, u16::from_le_bytes(*bytes_head));

let bytes_tail: &[u8; 2] = bytes[1..3].try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(512, u16::from_le_bytes(*bytes_tail));

impl<'a, T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&'a mut [T]> for &'a mut [T; N]

Tries to create a mutable array ref &mut [T; N] from a mutable slice ref &mut [T]. Succeeds if slice.len() == N.

let mut bytes: [u8; 3] = [1, 0, 2];

let bytes_head: &mut [u8; 2] = <&mut [u8; 2]>::try_from(&mut bytes[0..2]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, u16::from_le_bytes(*bytes_head));

let bytes_tail: &mut [u8; 2] = (&mut bytes[1..3]).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(512, u16::from_le_bytes(*bytes_tail));

impl<'a, const CAP: usize> TryFrom<&'a str> for ArrayString<CAP>


impl<'a, const CAP: usize> TryFrom<Arguments<'a>> for ArrayString<CAP>


impl<A, O> TryFrom<&BitSlice<<A as BitView>::Store, O>> for &BitArray<A, O>
where A: BitViewSized, O: BitOrder,


type Error = TryFromBitSliceError


impl<A, O> TryFrom<&BitSlice<<A as BitView>::Store, O>> for BitArray<A, O>
where A: BitViewSized, O: BitOrder,


type Error = TryFromBitSliceError


impl<A, O> TryFrom<&mut BitSlice<<A as BitView>::Store, O>> for &mut BitArray<A, O>
where A: BitViewSized, O: BitOrder,


type Error = TryFromBitSliceError


impl<T> TryFrom<*const T> for Address<Const, T>
where T: ?Sized,


type Error = NullPtrError


impl<T> TryFrom<*mut T> for Address<Mut, T>
where T: ?Sized,


type Error = NullPtrError

1.43.0 · source§

impl<T, A, const N: usize> TryFrom<Arc<[T], A>> for Arc<[T; N], A>
where A: Allocator + Clone,


type Error = Arc<[T], A>

1.48.0 · source§

impl<T, A, const N: usize> TryFrom<Vec<T, A>> for [T; N]
where A: Allocator,


type Error = Vec<T, A>


impl<T, A, const N: usize> TryFrom<Box<[T], A>> for Box<[T; N], A>
where A: Allocator,


type Error = Box<[T], A>


impl<T, A, const N: usize> TryFrom<Vec<T, A>> for [T; N]
where A: Allocator,


type Error = Vec<T, A>


impl<T, O> TryFrom<*const T> for BitPtr<Const, T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


type Error = BitPtrError<T>


impl<T, O> TryFrom<*mut T> for BitPtr<Mut, T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


type Error = BitPtrError<T>


impl<T, O> TryFrom<Box<[T]>> for BitBox<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


type Error = Box<[T]>


impl<T, O> TryFrom<Vec<T>> for BitVec<T, O>
where T: BitStore, O: BitOrder,


type Error = Vec<T>


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


impl<T, const CAP: usize> TryFrom<&[T]> for ArrayVec<T, CAP>
where T: Clone,

Try to create an ArrayVec from a slice. This will return an error if the slice was too big to fit.

use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use std::convert::TryInto as _;

let array: ArrayVec<_, 4> = (&[1, 2, 3] as &[_]).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(array.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(array.capacity(), 4);

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&[T]> for [T; N]
where T: Copy,

Tries to create an array [T; N] by copying from a slice &[T]. Succeeds if slice.len() == N.

let bytes: [u8; 3] = [1, 0, 2];

let bytes_head: [u8; 2] = <[u8; 2]>::try_from(&bytes[0..2]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, u16::from_le_bytes(bytes_head));

let bytes_tail: [u8; 2] = bytes[1..3].try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(512, u16::from_le_bytes(bytes_tail));

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&[T]> for Simd<T, N>

1.59.0 · source§

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&mut [T]> for [T; N]
where T: Copy,

Tries to create an array [T; N] by copying from a mutable slice &mut [T]. Succeeds if slice.len() == N.

let mut bytes: [u8; 3] = [1, 0, 2];

let bytes_head: [u8; 2] = <[u8; 2]>::try_from(&mut bytes[0..2]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, u16::from_le_bytes(bytes_head));

let bytes_tail: [u8; 2] = (&mut bytes[1..3]).try_into().unwrap();
assert_eq!(512, u16::from_le_bytes(bytes_tail));

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&mut [T]> for Simd<T, N>

1.43.0 · source§

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Rc<[T]>> for Rc<[T; N]>


type Error = Rc<[T]>

1.43.0 · source§

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Box<[T]>> for gstd::prelude::Box<[T; N]>


type Error = Box<[T]>

1.66.0 · source§

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Vec<T>> for gstd::prelude::Box<[T; N]>


type Error = Vec<T>