Expand description

§Gear Program Pallet

The Gear Program Pallet provides functionality for storing programs and binary codes.


The Gear Program Pallet’s main aim is to separate programs and binary codes storages out of Gear’s execution logic and provide soft functionality to manage them.

The Gear Program Pallet provides functions for:

  • Add/remove/check existence for binary codes;
  • Get original binary code, instrumented binary code and associated metadata;
  • Update instrumented binary code in the storage;
  • Add/remove/check existence for programs;
  • Get program data;
  • Update program in the storage;
  • Work with program memory pages and messages for uninitialized programs.


The Gear Program Pallet implements gear_common::{CodeStorage, ProgramStorage} traits and shouldn’t contain any other functionality, except this trait declares.


How to use the functionality from the Gear Program Pallet:

  1. Implement the pallet Config for your runtime.
// `runtime/src/lib.rs`
// ... //

impl pallet_gear_program::Config for Runtime {}

// ... //
  1. Provide associated type for your pallet’s Config, which implements gear_common::{CodeStorage, ProgramStorage} traits, specifying associated types if needed.
// `some_pallet/src/lib.rs`
// ... //

use gear_common::{CodeStorage, ProgramStorage};

pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
    // .. //

    type CodeStorage: CodeStorage;

    type ProgramStorage: ProgramStorage;

    // .. //
  1. Declare Gear Program Pallet in your construct_runtime! macro.
// `runtime/src/lib.rs`
// ... //

    pub enum Runtime
        where // ... //
        // ... //

        GearProgram: pallet_gear_program,

        // ... //

// ... //
  1. Set GearProgram as your pallet Config’s {CodeStorage, ProgramStorage} types.
// `runtime/src/lib.rs`
// ... //

impl some_pallet::Config for Runtime {
    // ... //

    type CodeStorage = GearProgram;

    type ProgramStorage = GearProgram;

    // ... //

// ... //
  1. Work with Gear Program Pallet in your pallet with provided associated type interface.

§Genesis config

The Gear Program Pallet doesn’t depend on the GenesisConfig.


