Trait gear_common::program_storage::ProgramStorage

source ·
pub trait ProgramStorage {
    type InternalError: Error;
    type Error: From<Self::InternalError> + Debug;
    type BlockNumber: Copy + Saturating;
    type AccountId: Eq + PartialEq;
    type ProgramMap: MapStorage<Key = ProgramId, Value = Program<Self::BlockNumber>>;
    type MemoryPageMap: TripleMapStorage<Key1 = ProgramId, Key2 = MemoryInfix, Key3 = GearPage, Value = PageBuf>;
    type AllocationsMap: MapStorage<Key = ProgramId, Value = IntervalsTree<WasmPage>>;

Show 16 methods // Required method fn pages_final_prefix() -> [u8; 32]; // Provided methods fn reset() { ... } fn add_program( program_id: ProgramId, program: ActiveProgram<Self::BlockNumber>, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error> { ... } fn get_program(program_id: ProgramId) -> Option<Program<Self::BlockNumber>> { ... } fn program_exists(program_id: ProgramId) -> bool { ... } fn update_active_program<F, ReturnType>( program_id: ProgramId, update_action: F, ) -> Result<ReturnType, Self::Error> where F: FnOnce(&mut ActiveProgram<Self::BlockNumber>) -> ReturnType { ... } fn remove_data_for_pages( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, pages: impl Iterator<Item = GearPage>, ) { ... } fn allocations(program_id: ProgramId) -> Option<IntervalsTree<WasmPage>> { ... } fn set_allocations( program_id: ProgramId, allocations: IntervalsTree<WasmPage>, ) { ... } fn clear_allocations(program_id: ProgramId) { ... } fn memory_infix(program_id: ProgramId) -> Option<MemoryInfix> { ... } fn update_program_if_active<F, ReturnType>( program_id: ProgramId, update_action: F, ) -> Result<ReturnType, Self::Error> where F: FnOnce(&mut Program<Self::BlockNumber>, Self::BlockNumber) -> ReturnType { ... } fn get_program_pages_data( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, ) -> Result<MemoryMap, Self::Error> { ... } fn set_program_page_data( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, page: GearPage, page_buf: PageBuf, ) { ... } fn remove_program_page_data( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, page_num: GearPage, ) { ... } fn clear_program_memory(program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix) { ... }
Expand description

Trait to work with program data in a storage.

Required Associated Types§


type InternalError: Error


type Error: From<Self::InternalError> + Debug


type BlockNumber: Copy + Saturating


type AccountId: Eq + PartialEq


type ProgramMap: MapStorage<Key = ProgramId, Value = Program<Self::BlockNumber>>


type MemoryPageMap: TripleMapStorage<Key1 = ProgramId, Key2 = MemoryInfix, Key3 = GearPage, Value = PageBuf>


type AllocationsMap: MapStorage<Key = ProgramId, Value = IntervalsTree<WasmPage>>

Required Methods§


fn pages_final_prefix() -> [u8; 32]

Final full prefix that prefixes all keys of memory pages.

Provided Methods§


fn reset()

Attempt to remove all items from all the associated maps.


fn add_program( program_id: ProgramId, program: ActiveProgram<Self::BlockNumber>, ) -> Result<(), Self::Error>

Store a program to be associated with the given key program_id from the map.


fn get_program(program_id: ProgramId) -> Option<Program<Self::BlockNumber>>

Load the program associated with the given key program_id from the map.


fn program_exists(program_id: ProgramId) -> bool

Does the program (explicitly) exist in storage?


fn update_active_program<F, ReturnType>( program_id: ProgramId, update_action: F, ) -> Result<ReturnType, Self::Error>
where F: FnOnce(&mut ActiveProgram<Self::BlockNumber>) -> ReturnType,

Update the active program under the given key program_id.


fn remove_data_for_pages( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, pages: impl Iterator<Item = GearPage>, )


fn allocations(program_id: ProgramId) -> Option<IntervalsTree<WasmPage>>


fn set_allocations(program_id: ProgramId, allocations: IntervalsTree<WasmPage>)


fn clear_allocations(program_id: ProgramId)


fn memory_infix(program_id: ProgramId) -> Option<MemoryInfix>


fn update_program_if_active<F, ReturnType>( program_id: ProgramId, update_action: F, ) -> Result<ReturnType, Self::Error>
where F: FnOnce(&mut Program<Self::BlockNumber>, Self::BlockNumber) -> ReturnType,

Update the program under the given key program_id only if the stored program is an active one.


fn get_program_pages_data( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, ) -> Result<MemoryMap, Self::Error>

Return data buffer for each memory page, which has data.


fn set_program_page_data( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, page: GearPage, page_buf: PageBuf, )

Store a memory page buffer to be associated with the given keys program_id, memory_infix and page from the map.


fn remove_program_page_data( program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix, page_num: GearPage, )

Remove a memory page buffer under the given keys program_id, memory_infix and page.


fn clear_program_memory(program_id: ProgramId, memory_infix: MemoryInfix)

Remove all memory page buffers under the given keys program_id and memory_infix.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
