Struct gstd::prog::ProgramGenerator

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pub struct ProgramGenerator(/* private fields */);
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Helper to create programs without setting the salt manually.



impl ProgramGenerator


pub fn get_salt() -> Vec<u8>

Return the salt needed to create a new program.

Salt is an arbitrary byte sequence unique after every function call.

use gstd::prog::ProgramGenerator;

extern "C" fn handle() {
    let salt = ProgramGenerator::get_salt();

pub fn create_program_bytes( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, value: u128 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Create a new program from the already existing on-chain code identified by CodeId.

The function returns an initial message identifier and a newly created program identifier.

The first argument is the code identifier (see CodeId for details). The second and third arguments are the initialization message’s payload and the value to be transferred to the new program.


Create a new program from the provided code identifier:

use gstd::{msg, prog::ProgramGenerator, CodeId};

extern "C" fn handle() {
    let code_id: CodeId = msg::load().expect("Unable to load");
    let (init_message_id, new_program_id) =
        ProgramGenerator::create_program_bytes(code_id, b"INIT", 0)
            .expect("Unable to create a program");
    msg::send_bytes(new_program_id, b"PING", 0).expect("Unable to send");

pub fn create_program_bytes_for_reply( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CreateProgramFuture>

Same as create_program_bytes, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

§See also

pub fn create_program_bytes_for_reply_as<D: Decode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CodecCreateProgramFuture<D>>

Same as create_program_bytes, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

The output should be decodable via SCALE codec.

§See also

pub fn create_program_bytes_delayed( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, value: u128, delay: u32 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program_bytes, but creates a new program after the delay expressed in block count.


pub fn create_program_bytes_with_gas( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, gas_limit: u64, value: u128 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program_bytes, but with an explicit gas limit.


pub fn create_program_bytes_with_gas_for_reply( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, gas_limit: u64, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CreateProgramFuture>

Same as create_program_bytes_with_gas, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

§See also

pub fn create_program_bytes_with_gas_for_reply_as<D: Decode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, gas_limit: u64, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CodecCreateProgramFuture<D>>

Same as create_program_bytes_with_gas, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

The output should be decodable via SCALE codec.

§See also

pub fn create_program_bytes_with_gas_delayed( code_id: CodeId, payload: impl AsRef<[u8]>, gas_limit: u64, value: u128, delay: u32 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program_bytes_with_gas, but creates a new program after the delay expressed in block count.


pub fn create_program<E: Encode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, value: u128 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program_bytes, but allows initialize program with the encodable payload.


pub fn create_program_for_reply<E: Encode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CreateProgramFuture>

Same as create_program, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

§See also

pub fn create_program_for_reply_as<E: Encode, D: Decode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CodecCreateProgramFuture<D>>

Same as create_program, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

The output should be decodable via SCALE codec.

§See also

pub fn create_program_delayed<E: Encode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, value: u128, delay: u32 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program, but creates a new program after the delay expressed in block count.


pub fn create_program_with_gas<E: Encode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, gas_limit: u64, value: u128 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program, but with an explicit gas limit.


pub fn create_program_with_gas_for_reply<E: Encode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, gas_limit: u64, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CreateProgramFuture>

Same as create_program_with_gas, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

§See also

pub fn create_program_with_gas_for_reply_as<E: Encode, D: Decode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, gas_limit: u64, value: u128, reply_deposit: u64 ) -> Result<CodecCreateProgramFuture<D>>

Same as create_program_with_gas, but the program will interrupt until the reply is received.

Argument reply_deposit: u64 used to provide gas for future reply handling (skipped if zero).

The output should be decodable via SCALE codec.

§See also

pub fn create_program_with_gas_delayed<E: Encode>( code_id: CodeId, payload: E, gas_limit: u64, value: u128, delay: u32 ) -> Result<(MessageId, ActorId)>

Same as create_program_with_gas, but creates a new program after the delay expressed in block count.

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> Conv for T


fn conv<T>(self) -> T
where Self: Into<T>,

Converts self into T using Into<T>. Read more

impl<T> FmtForward for T


fn fmt_binary(self) -> FmtBinary<Self>
where Self: Binary,

Causes self to use its Binary implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_display(self) -> FmtDisplay<Self>
where Self: Display,

Causes self to use its Display implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_lower_exp(self) -> FmtLowerExp<Self>
where Self: LowerExp,

Causes self to use its LowerExp implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_lower_hex(self) -> FmtLowerHex<Self>
where Self: LowerHex,

Causes self to use its LowerHex implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_octal(self) -> FmtOctal<Self>
where Self: Octal,

Causes self to use its Octal implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_pointer(self) -> FmtPointer<Self>
where Self: Pointer,

Causes self to use its Pointer implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_upper_exp(self) -> FmtUpperExp<Self>
where Self: UpperExp,

Causes self to use its UpperExp implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_upper_hex(self) -> FmtUpperHex<Self>
where Self: UpperHex,

Causes self to use its UpperHex implementation when Debug-formatted.

fn fmt_list(self) -> FmtList<Self>
where &'a Self: for<'a> IntoIterator,

Formats each item in a sequence. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> Pipe for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn pipe<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(Self) -> R) -> R
where Self: Sized,

Pipes by value. This is generally the method you want to use. Read more

fn pipe_ref<'a, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a Self) -> R) -> R
where R: 'a,

Borrows self and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_ref_mut<'a, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut Self) -> R) -> R
where R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self and passes that borrow into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_borrow<'a, B, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a B) -> R) -> R
where Self: Borrow<B>, B: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.borrow() into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_borrow_mut<'a, B, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut B) -> R ) -> R
where Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.borrow_mut() into the pipe function. Read more

fn pipe_as_ref<'a, U, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a U) -> R) -> R
where Self: AsRef<U>, U: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.as_ref() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_as_mut<'a, U, R>(&'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut U) -> R) -> R
where Self: AsMut<U>, U: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.as_mut() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_deref<'a, T, R>(&'a self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a T) -> R) -> R
where Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Borrows self, then passes self.deref() into the pipe function.

fn pipe_deref_mut<'a, T, R>( &'a mut self, func: impl FnOnce(&'a mut T) -> R ) -> R
where Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: 'a + ?Sized, R: 'a,

Mutably borrows self, then passes self.deref_mut() into the pipe function.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> Tap for T


fn tap(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self

Immutable access to a value. Read more

fn tap_mut(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self

Mutable access to a value. Read more

fn tap_borrow<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
where Self: Borrow<B>, B: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the Borrow<B> of a value. Read more

fn tap_borrow_mut<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
where Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the BorrowMut<B> of a value. Read more

fn tap_ref<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
where Self: AsRef<R>, R: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the AsRef<R> view of a value. Read more

fn tap_ref_mut<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
where Self: AsMut<R>, R: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the AsMut<R> view of a value. Read more

fn tap_deref<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
where Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: ?Sized,

Immutable access to the Deref::Target of a value. Read more

fn tap_deref_mut<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Self
where Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: ?Sized,

Mutable access to the Deref::Target of a value. Read more

fn tap_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&Self)) -> Self

Calls .tap() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_mut_dbg(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) -> Self

Calls .tap_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_borrow_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&B)) -> Self
where Self: Borrow<B>, B: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_borrow() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_borrow_mut_dbg<B>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut B)) -> Self
where Self: BorrowMut<B>, B: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_borrow_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_ref_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&R)) -> Self
where Self: AsRef<R>, R: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_ref() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_ref_mut_dbg<R>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut R)) -> Self
where Self: AsMut<R>, R: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_ref_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_deref_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&T)) -> Self
where Self: Deref<Target = T>, T: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_deref() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

fn tap_deref_mut_dbg<T>(self, func: impl FnOnce(&mut T)) -> Self
where Self: DerefMut<Target = T> + Deref, T: ?Sized,

Calls .tap_deref_mut() only in debug builds, and is erased in release builds.

impl<T> TryConv for T


fn try_conv<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self::Error>
where Self: TryInto<T>,

Attempts to convert self into T using TryInto<T>. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> JsonSchemaMaybe for T